Mobile Road Warrior Invoice app - Quick Start Guides
 Quick Gides
 Invoice Sample
 Invoice Anatomy
 Use Image, Barcode
 FAQs about products
 How to - Document ?
 How to - Files ?
 How to - Cusomize ?
 Trouble Shooting 
 Privacy Policy
 Terms & Conditions

I. Set up your company name and logo - optional.     (2 min)
II. Quick Invoice.          (3 min)


I. Set up Mobile Road Warrior app.
II. Create Files (can be skipped to speedup learning process).
III. Create Document - Quick Form.

Quick form is a light alternative to Full form. It offers less features, more for businesses that may not require more. If you work with Quick form and feel that you need more details, click on the "Need more features?" tab in the top right corner and switch to the Full form. All fields you just entered will be populated in the Full form.

Login into Mobile Road Warrior and from the main menu press the Invoice button. Select Quick Form. All fields here are optional.

1. Start: Document type set to Invoice by default. If you need to change - select from drop down menu or enter your own type at the last option on the list. Document number is created by the app - if necessary you are able to change it.

2. Client: enter Name, Address and E-mail, or select client from your Client file by pressing the button with clients. You may also select from your phone Contact list by pressing the button with a roller deck.

3. Items: enter product Name and description or describe your Service, Price, Quantity, and check if the product is taxable. Or select product from Product file - press button with products. Press "+Add/Update" button.

4. Review: You can review the list of Items you just added to your invoice. You can delete items by using red button. You can edit items by clicking on the item row and editing it in the Item section. When done, press the "+Add/Update" button. You can enter tax rate and press "Recalculate Tax" button to recalculate tax. You can also see invoice Total.

5. Final: You can capture a signature. It will be placed on the invoice. You should press the "Save" button to save the invoice or the "Save+Send" button to save the invoice and e-maile to client's e-mail address (entered in step 2). To preview invoice press the "Preview + Print" button. If you have printer app installed on your mobile device, you can print the invoice: At the preview screen, press Menu -> More -> Share page -> select your print app.

IV. Create Document - Full Form.

Full form is an alternative to Quick form. While all fields are optional, it offers more features and may be more useful for your business.
Login into Mobile Road Warrior and from the main menu press the Invoice button. Select Full Form. All fields here are optional.

1. Start: Document type - set to Invoice by default. If you need to change - select from drop down menu. Invoice number is created by the app incrementally. Invoice date is the current date, but you may change it.

2. Road: This page is for your records only. Here you may enter Travel and Work times as well as miles/kilometers and gas prices to track your expenses. If you dont need it, skip this step. Entered info will be stored with invoice, but none of it will be shown on invoice. If you wish to add it to the invoice, you have to do it on Product page.

3. Client: enter Name, Address and E-mail or select client from your Client file file by pressing the button with clients. You may also select from your phone Contact list by pressing the button with a roller deck. The Address here is the Billing Address (BADDR). The "Client Note" field is for your use only - it will not be shown on the invoice.

4. Product: enter product Name and description or describe your Service. Enter Price and, Quantity - you can use fractions. You can enter Discount in as "%" or Currency - press "%" button to switch. Check if the product is taxable. Press "+ Add/Update" button. Other ways to enter Product:
a) Select product from product list - press button with products.
b) Scan Barcode. This option will work only if you define the product with a barcode value at Product file. See above section II. Create Files p.3
c) Select product from Catalog. You can read how to do it here.

5. Cart: You can review the list of Items you just added to your invoice. You can delete items by using thered button. You can edit items by clicking on the item line and editing it in the Item section. When done, press the "+Add/Update" button. You can enter tax rate and press "Recalculate Tax" button to recalculate tax. You can also see invoice Total.
Press the green button in the left top corner to open Shipping product fields: Ship Date, Shipping Method, S&H cost and Shipping Address. If you do not need this feature, press the green button again to hide Shipping fields.

6. Payment: Record payment here. Balance will be calculated by the app. All info from this page will be placed on the invoice. Do not enter Credit Card Number or any other sensitive information here!

7. Final: Press the "Save" button to save your invoice. You can "Save+Send" - the invoice will be saved and e-mailed to the client's e-mail address (entered in step 3). Press "Cancel" to delete current document; Press "Signature" to capture signature to be placed on the invoice. You can "Preview + Print" the invoice - press to preview invoice. If you have printer app installed on your mobile device you can print invoice: At the preview screen, press Menu -> More -> Share page -> select your print app.

A Price Calculator is built in for your convenience: at any page in the Full or Quick Forms, press the Menu button on your mobile device and select "Price Calculator".

V. Features that were not covered in Quick Start guide.

1. Import Files.
2. Backup and Export Files.
3. Assign images and barcodes to Products automatically.

1. Add Disclaimer at the end of document.
2. Catalog.
3. Attach images to e-mailed document.
4. View / Edit existing documents.
5. Search document by different criteria .

1. Add Disclaimer at the end of document.
2. Backup and Export Files.

1. Login.
2. E-mail document to multiple addresses.